Climate protection at GREIF
CO₂ balance for climate protection
Too much CO₂ in the atmosphere accelerates global warming: We have therefore decided to continuously and systematically document, monitor and reduce our emissions. To this end, we measure direct emissions, such as fuel consumption, and indirect emissions, i.e. those resulting from all activities upstream and downstream of our business operations – for example, in relation to purchased textiles or employee mobility. Through this process, we have identified significant improvements in our CO₂ balance across all levels in recent years.
Systematic climate protection: Science Based Targets initiative
Improvement of the CO₂ balance and resource conservation: We have joined the Science Based Targets initiative. This initiative provides guidance to companies on meeting their own emissions targets that are based on the CO₂ reductions required at a global level. With this aim, we have implemented long-term measures: the transition to green electricity, the optimisation of our washing processes, the implementation of water and heat recovery procedures and the gradual transition to e-mobility.
Our CO₂ footprint report
CO₂ reduction successes in detail: The successes of our climate protection measures are documented in detail in the CO₂ footprint report by the Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy (DFGE). In the report, the DFGE covers all direct and indirect emissions throughout the supply chain in a transparent manner and provides a meaningful breakdown of its results based on a variety of indicators, such as the quantity of emissions in relation to turnover, surface area or linen output. Our collective CO₂ reduction successes can be found in detail in the report (reports for 2021, 2022)
Commitment to sustainability at Greif
With the seal for ‘Commitment to sustainability’ from the German Institute for Sustainability and Economy, we are able to prove that we have all sustainability areas covered.
In each of the three assessed areas – ecological, social and economic competence – we were rated ‘good’.
Our climate protection projects
Climate protection for our customers: When booking your rental laundry, choose the climate-neutral option to support our climate protection projects with your offset contribution. With both our moorland project in Germany and our drinking water project in Uganda, we are actively reducing the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and, in doing so, counteracting climate change. In return for your involvement, you will receive our climate protection certificate.